Team Biographies
Our people are hand selected for their outstanding skills in their field. It would be our pleasure to put our extensive experience to work for you.

Travis L Thomas
Born in Gaylord, MI, United States of America, Travis started Humble Fox Books to first print and publish his own books. He later opened the door for others to have their books published without the hassle of having to hire an agent to sell their book for them. He has always sought to make it easier for authors to get their work published without extra costs for them. He enjoys reading and writing and the occasional sketch. He was 22 when he first thought of the idea and then in January of 2017 he started to make preparations to officially start the company though he had been running under the name since 2011 when he birthed the idea. It wasn't until 2018 that he added two employees other then himself and his wife. He still dreams big and hopes for future generations to be once more a generation of readers.

Linda M Thomas
Linda was born and raised in Harrison, MI, United States of America. She met her husband Travis in college where they graduated in 2012. She has always supported him in his adventure of building this company and has been right by his side the whole way. They where married in 2015 and have yet to have any children.
Scarlett Royal
Scarlett joined the team as a freelance illustrator until 2018 when Travis brought her on as a contracted salary illustrator. She has been the primary illustrator for the company and has created a large portion of the images used in the works here.