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Thomas Family Adoptions Found

     In the spring of 2019 Travis & Linda Thomas started to work towards their dream of one day adopting a baby. Now to do so would cost a lot of money they really didn’t have so they took donations from family and friends of things they no longer needed. The Thomas then held yard sales as well as sold some of the items online through Facebook Market Place, Amazon, E-Bay and other places just like those. They also ran a bake sale as well as a short craft show to help raise money.

     Their goal was to raise enough money so that they would be able to adopt the child completely debt free. Thus they need to raise $30,000 for a baby in their portion of the state in which they live. The Thomas are currently going through the Bethany Christian Services for the adoption which is where they got their goal cost from.

     As of August 2021 they’ve managed to raise just under the half way mark with a little over $16,000 US Dollars. With that we’ve partnered with them to help them raise the remainder of their goal here. With that We give you the option to either buy a Adoption Related item from their collection below or just make a straight donation. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Adoption Chip

These chips are designed with the Thomas’ photos on one side of the chip with their goal and a thank you on the flip side. Each chip is two fold blessing to them as each purchase helps them get closer to their goal as well as each chip can be used as a reminder to pray for them and their future family.

Note: These have a high wait time as they wont be fully available until December 2021, thus all orders before then are preorder.

For more information about the Thomas’ here is the PDF file of their Adoption Book:

Click Here

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